
Entries by Secretbase (40)


Download Section Added

I'm not sure when this happened, but we've apparently exceeded bandwidth limit. I guess that means lot of player have been visiting the site, so it's still good news. At the mean time, I've added a new "Download" section, where you can also download the comics strip instead.

We'll be adding more downloadables in the future too, including Bitejacker soundtrack, arranged by HyperDucks with their gang of awesome audio super heroes friends, and many downloadable contents from our Tobe series.


Bitejacker In The Spotlight

I've been meaning to consolidate the reviews and coverage we've got for the game for a while, but I never really got the time. I still don't, but I really enjoy the feedback so far, so make time, like you guys did for Bitejacker :)

It's a lot of fun reading what reviewers think about the game, especially when its a game about, well, reviewers! We're learning alot from the reviewers, and player's feedback, and hoping to show that in our future game.

Oh, and PS, I know there's a couple more article out there, but I wasn't able to get all of them, as I've lost my bookmark recently. If you found / wrote any, and I miss it out, please let me know!


Video Review

Indie Game Search Light

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Tobe's Announcements

Tobe's Vertical Adventure PC Port has been in the work. So the first announcement is that it's about done, and we are looking to release the game in 2 months time, around April, 2011.

If you didn't know about the game before, you can read about it on DIYgamer impression, one of our most recent article. And of course, here's the trailer for the original XBLIG edition.

The second announcement is that we've also taken the time to develop a spin off series, namely Tobe's Hookshot Escape and Tobe's Great Escape. Both games are developed in flash, and will be free for play. Quite honestly, we've got pretty awesome feedback from players, so we're considering bringing the game to mobile. We'll be revealing more about the gameplay soon, but here's the game logo to keep the speculation going.

The last announcement is a sad one though, as we will soon be closing down Tobe's Official Website. We will have a full section for Tobe though, under Secret Base so that the news and downloadables are more consolidate, and easier for players to find.


Bitejacker Update & Strategy Guide

Thanks to all the feedback given to us over Facebook, Kongregate, Newgrounds and of course, the latest episode of Bytejacker. I think some interesting points were brought up, both in terms of game design issues and bugs report.

We've done some minor tweaks and solved some of the bugs mentioned, so if you were having problems before, you might want to give it another go. And if it's still tough for you, John B from mochi wrote a really detail strategy guide to help you out.

Anyway, here's a list of what you said, and what was fixed (or not).

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Bitejacker Hi-Res Comic Download

With Bitejacker released over more than 2 weeks now, I'd assume that many of you have already beaten the game. You probably already knew, that with every boss defeated, a comic is unlocked in the progress book. But some of you might have missed that you can actually download the hi-res version of the comic. Just headover to, and download from the comic buttons on the right. The password are located in the progress book, on the top when you click to view the comic.

The comic is actually a collaboration between Secret Base, and illustrator John A Galvan. Here's a look at my sketches, and how he turn it into the beautiful artwork you see today. If you like it, be sure to check out some of his fantastic artwork here, and drop him a line to let him know too!