
Entries in Bitejacker (3)


Bitejacker OST Released

If you like the BGMs found in Bitejacker, you will be happy to know that Hyperduck Soundworks, the magnificiant duo that did the game's core audio and sound effects has recently released the album on their website.

Not just that, but the album includes unused track for the game, with also remixes done by Jmickle (Probability Zero), Kelvin Carville (Jables Adventure), Anosou (Cobalt), Souleye (VVVVVV), Sean O Sullivan (Form Ad)and Scattle (Xycle 2).

8 awesome musicians, with 20 epic tracks. That's like a sky full of rainbow. You can download the album for $3USD, or simply listen to it on their website here.


If you want to find out more about the album, they've also did an interview with the guys from indiegames blog, found right here.


Let's talk before the zompocalypse

So to stop everyone from scratching the table mirror while we eagerly awaits the game to go live, I thought I take the opportunity to share some news and information about the game.

Fans of Bitejacker might wanna check out our official website, where you can download our wallpapers and comment on the game. Most importantly, this is where you are able to download all the the high-res comic stripe. They're all password protected, so you'll need to unlock the password by defeating each boss in the game. Once you do, check the comic in your progress book, and you will see the password :)

Bitejacker is sponsored by MochiGames, and they will host it exclusively for the first 2 weeks. On top of that, you can actually purchase quite a few things from our Mochi Store.

Click to read more ...


Bitejacker, coming 20th January 2011

 We are proud to announce that the wait is officially over. Our first game, Bitejacker : Secret Base Horror Series 01 will be released on 20th January 2011! At the mean time, remember to bookmark Secret Base and visit the official Bitejacker website. Rock on!

You happy now?