Bitejacker OST Released

If you like the BGMs found in Bitejacker, you will be happy to know that Hyperduck Soundworks, the magnificiant duo that did the game's core audio and sound effects has recently released the album on their website.
Not just that, but the album includes unused track for the game, with also remixes done by Jmickle (Probability Zero), Kelvin Carville (Jables Adventure), Anosou (Cobalt), Souleye (VVVVVV), Sean O Sullivan (Form Ad)and Scattle (Xycle 2).
8 awesome musicians, with 20 epic tracks. That's like a sky full of rainbow. You can download the album for $3USD, or simply listen to it on their website here.
If you want to find out more about the album, they've also did an interview with the guys from indiegames blog, found right here.

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