Write Us A Player Review : Contest winners!

It's been a little more than a month since Tobe's Vertical Adventure was released, and I want to thank everyone again for the support. I hope the game was as much fun for you, as it was for us to work on.
I'm glad that many of you had tried and enjoyed the game, and some have gone a furthur step to help out other gamers on the Steam forum with the bugs, creating walkthrough videos and even our very own gamefaq page. It was great to find out what you guys think about the game, sharing your thoughts on it, how it can be improve, or even just sharing the experience of having a partner playing the game with you.
It's amazing to read through every post, and I really wish I can give out more, but unfortunately, we only have 3 copies of the box set left, and hence, there can only be 3 winners. That said, the winners are...
Congratulation! I will be getting in touch with each of you for your address, so keep a look out on your email & private message (Steam).
With all the feedback gathered, I am happy to announce that we will be sending Tobe on bigger and better adventures in the future. Things are in pre-development phase, but who knows, we might have something to show soon. Stalk us on our blog, facebook and twitter if you're up for another crumbling cave in! Fame and Fortune awaits!