Tobe's Announcements

Tobe's Vertical Adventure PC Port has been in the work. So the first announcement is that it's about done, and we are looking to release the game in 2 months time, around April, 2011.
If you didn't know about the game before, you can read about it on DIYgamer impression, one of our most recent article. And of course, here's the trailer for the original XBLIG edition.
The second announcement is that we've also taken the time to develop a spin off series, namely Tobe's Hookshot Escape and Tobe's Great Escape. Both games are developed in flash, and will be free for play. Quite honestly, we've got pretty awesome feedback from players, so we're considering bringing the game to mobile. We'll be revealing more about the gameplay soon, but here's the game logo to keep the speculation going.
The last announcement is a sad one though, as we will soon be closing down Tobe's Official Website. We will have a full section for Tobe though, under Secret Base so that the news and downloadables are more consolidate, and easier for players to find.