Tobe's Hookshot Escape WP7 Released

So... after the long wait, Tobe's Hookshot Escape is finally out, and available on the Windows Phone 7. The core of the game reminds the same as the flash version, but with some tweaks to make it more suitable for mobile play.
We're also adding an alternate character, bgm and theme to the game, and that should come in some time in mid July. Until these new features are added, the game will sell for 99 cents only. So if you're a WP7 user, support us by grabbing a copy now at the link below!

Hookshot Escape in

Reader Comments (6)
It says not available in the uk or is it a mistake?
Same here in France. Not available apparently.
Will it come soon ?
It shouldn't be the case since we op for a world wide release, and some reviewers have already tried it. Thanks for pointing this out. Let me try to check it again.
HI, I can see it now on the French marketplace. However, I haven't got a wifi connection here so it will have to wait.
This is going to be a long day...
Wow i actually have the game, didnt know it was created by a Singaporean~~ Majulah Singapura!
~ omnomnom@cupcakes.sg
Good to know a fellow Singaporean actually bought the game - Awesome! So do I get free cupcakes when I visit?