Hi Guys, Tobe's Vertical Adventure is one of our first game made. It's been a long way for us, from development on XBLIG, to eventual release on PC. That said, we need your help to bring Tobe and Nana on bigger and better adventures in the future.
Give us your review, tell us what you like and dislike about the game, or what you like to see in future sequels and spin off. What you think might be an awesome idea for us, or even how you might have done it yourself. Would you like an level editor? More characters? Whatever you think, we love to know, so please share with us your thoughts.
And for all the hard work, there must be some reward. Since I've also receive some emails enquiring where one can get a copy of the physical edition of the game, we will be giving them out to the best player's review written. Unfortunately, we only have 3 left, so we can only have 3 winners.
Here's a little preview of the physical edition, and you can take a closer look from indiegames.com
The 3 winners will be selected by 21st August, so everyone have more than enough time to play through and think about it. You can leave your review here in the comments of this post, or our Steam Forum. Looking forward!Write Us A Player Review : Win the physical edition!