As you know, there's a lot going on here with Hookshot Escape (WP7) being pushed back and all. Unfortunately, this has affected the release for Vertical Adventure on the PC. We're not 100% sure on this yet, but the tentative release date will be 1st July 2011, so rest assured, it will only be a short push back, in a matter of weeks, not months.
(Update: Vertical Adventure will be release on 18th July 2011, to avoid being drown in all the summer sales. Please help to spread the word, and not let that happen!)
For those that didn't already know, Tobe's Vertical Adventure is set for the Steam & Gamersgate. The game now comes with controller support, scores, an alternate character of different stats and ability and achievements for Steam players.
As of Hookshot Escape (WP7), the game will finally be released on 20th June, and an expansion featuring alternate character will also be added later.