Tobe's Adventures begins!
Friday, May 20, 2011 at 12:02PM
Secretbase in Announcement, Hookshot Escape, flash, games, release date, tobe

Tobe's Hookshot Escape is finally live, and you can try it on Newgrounds, Kongregate or here, on our very own site. If you haven't heard, Tobe's Hookshot Escape is an endless platformer, one of those sweet addictive experience, where you climb as high as you can, fighting for a better score. You know the drill.

The game is also available on Windows Phone 7, which should be released some time next week. We'll be having a release promotion, selling the game at $0.99 for a limited time. Plus, additional content, not found in the original flash version will be added. But more on that later.

Hookshot Escape is first of the 3 Tobe's games we're releasing, with Tobe's Vertical Adventure coming to Steam and Gamersgate 12 June (tentative release date). If you like to learn more about the games, definitely check out Tobe's Vertical Adventure instruction manual

There's also Tobe's Great Escape, coming slightly after, probably some time in mid June on flash. I hope you guys will enjoy the game, and we can then put Tobe on more adventures (and worse situations)!

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