Bitejacker Update & Strategy Guide
Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 5:40PM
Secretbase in Status, guide

Thanks to all the feedback given to us over Facebook, Kongregate, Newgrounds and of course, the latest episode of Bytejacker. I think some interesting points were brought up, both in terms of game design issues and bugs report.

We've done some minor tweaks and solved some of the bugs mentioned, so if you were having problems before, you might want to give it another go. And if it's still tough for you, John B from mochi wrote a really detail strategy guide to help you out.

Anyway, here's a list of what you said, and what was fixed (or not).

Game was too hard (forgive me Joe Larson)

Shotgun was too weak

Blood in my eye

Kill Streak

Unlocking Weapons

Progress Book


Hopefully, with all these fixed, more people can now enjoy the game a little better. I'm looking to work on a "post-mortem" soon, where with I'll discuss more, not just about the game play, but production aspect too. Mainly a big article to give ourself lots of excuse why we don't sucks. Cheers :)

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